Friday, April 20, 2012

MSS Seafood Buffet

I have talked 5 TA friends into going to MSS Seafood buffet on the older recommendations of this forum.

I have been checking reviews and it seems that the approval rate at MSS has declined in the last few months on LVA. Is this true or a crabby review.

I need someone from this forum, who has been to this buffet in the last few months, to give me a straight review.

Otherwise, we will go to Fremont which is closer and I liked last year.


MSS Seafood Buffet

The link is an unscientific ranking of some buffets in Vegas. Of course, taste is always personal. The rankings also depends on those who took the time to vote and not necessarily represents the true popularity. Though the more votes a place get, the more credence it may have.

I%26#39;ve been to MSS (Main Street Station) buffet many times, it%26#39;s fine value for the price but not spectacular.

MSS Seafood Buffet

I have read so many reviews on and outside of TA.

I appreciate your response.

My problem with outside reviews is I went to Todai in Waikiki because of review sites. It was so recommended. It was $30 which would have been fine, but the only thing besides sushi that was really good was the crepes ( this was our first crepes, so I had nothing to compare it to). The seating was long cafeteria tables. I WAS dissappointed.

I trust this forum and would rather use the forum posters opinions. I know it used to be really good. Lots of people agreed. I need to know if it is still good.

Thanks for your opinion. It matters.


Hey Dot, never did MSS buffet, but ya gotta remember the reviews are always gonna vary. When I did TI%26#39;s buffet with 3 friends I thought it was not very good, I actually felt ripped off! I thought the food was luke warm, the dessert selection lacking and the desserts did not taste very good etc. etc. Now if you talked to my 3 friends they would rave about it!LOL! They kept saying how great it was and a better deal than the coffee shop and how good the food was etc. I was thinking to myself';did we just eat at the same place?'; LOL!

SBG, you would be a good one to ask then.

If I talked you into walking all the way over to the MSS Seafood buffet, then you had to pay $16 when other meals DT are much cheaper (not Seafood specifically), and then you had to walk all the way back, and it was disappointing: would you kill me?

I need to know if it is still better than Fremont (which I liked it a lot and is much closer but not chany cheaper).


LOL! No I would not kill ya. I might be dissapointed but not P.O.ed. I was not angry about TI buffet just could not believe how we could just have such different opinions of the same meal. I would go for MSS, it may not be as wonderful as your expectations but I am sure you will leave full. I left TI satisfied as far as hunger, just not impressed and now I know that I probably will not go back.

It is all hit or miss, I have seen a few reviews of Fremont buffet where the people did not like it, yet you seem to have had a good experience. Just go for it and hope for the best. It will make you a more informed poster on TA if nothing else. More knowledge to share!


I agree with SBG everyone is different and likes different things. No matter what if I go someplace at the recommendation of someone I full well know my experience may be way better - worse - or the same. Our motto when on vacation every things fun. Just explain to your friends the situation and then it%26#39;s their decision. I would go.

Also I worked in retail part-time ( most teachers work a 2nd job) and people are more likely to complain than people who are satisfied or happy.


Which day does MSS have seafood buffet? Thanks.

I believe its on Friday, dude...


Seafood Night Friday and Saturday, Steak Night Tuesday, Steak and Scampi on Thursday.

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