We are going to las vegas in the summer, and change flights at Newark airport. We have 2 hours between flights. Is this enought time to clear immigration control?, I%26#39;m a bit concerned we%26#39;ll miss our connecting flight to vegas. We arrive in newark at 15.20, and flight to vegas is 17.20. any comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks you.
immigration control time???
Are you traveling on the same airline? If so, you should be okay. I%26#39;ve traveled through Newark many times and have never had a problem.
immigration control time???
where are you flying from? If you are flying from Canada you will need to clear immigration before getting on your plane, I believe most countries have American presence BEFORE you board or leave your country of residence.
If your flying from the states...Im confused, you shouldnt need to go through immigration at all.
I am a uk citizen, and am flying in from edinburgh, to newark then onto las vegas. I am flying continental all the way. So should I relax about the timing then? thanks for your help.............
I believe you%26#39;ll go through US Immigration in Edinborough, so I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;ll have an issue.
I%26#39;ve flown Continental through Newark several times ovre the last few years %26amp; I would warn you however, it is an incredibly busy airport. Frankly, for me, every time my travels take me through Newark I shudder- it%26#39;s a mad-house.
Again, having said that, so long as you don%26#39;t leave the secure area, you shouldn%26#39;t ahve an issue catching your connection to LV.
To the Canadians stating that you must clear customs before flying into the US, this is not accurate. I think it depends on the airline. Whenever I have flown Northwest I have had to clear in Winnipeg, but when I%26#39;ve flown WestJet it%26#39;s been in the US. I don%26#39;t know why, but it is obviously not law that you have to go through immigration before you leave Canada.
Maybe other Brits who have flown your airline and route can be of more help.
I am a US citizen and every time when I flown back to the US from overseas I always have to clear custom at the first US city.
Clearing immigration/custom depending on how busy they are at the time. I would say at least 3 hours is comfortable for me. The last time when I came back from Europe the connection flight in Ohio I had only 2 hours and immigration was jammed. I barely made it for the second leg of flight.
I thought this was definitely going to be about immigration policies for sure.
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