Sunday, April 15, 2012

Taxi fare downtown

From the MGM Sig to Freemont Street - wotz the damage?

And i am right in thinking that any visit downtown needs to be a night ??


Taxi fare downtown

Wot no cab drivers reading this??

Taxi fare downtown

We cabbed from downtown to MGM Grand last week for $23. Yes . . . definitely go at night.

Yes, $25 + tip is about average from the south Strip to FrEmont. (one E)

I%26#39;d suggest not going - if you have a few days in LV and have to pay $50 or so round trip taxi fare, it%26#39;s just not great.

Many people like it because they think it has an ';old Vegas'; vibe. it does not - it is NOTHING like ';old Vgas';. The casinos are closer together, they are smoky, old and dingy. food is cheaper.

I do believe people need to decide what works for them - and it may turn out that DT is perfect for you. I%26#39;m not sure it%26#39;s worth $50 to find out.

Another option is the bus - slower but cheaper

Bus 105, not the Duece, will get you there pretty quick--cost $1.25 each way.

So Bridgey, what scale do you use to determine if someone you don%26#39;t know anything about should spend $50 to see DT? (which by the way IS Las Vegas. The joints you like are in Paradise) Isn%26#39;t this a personal chocie for the OP?

Yes, do visit downtown at night. It has a completely different atmosphere than the strip. You may love it or you may hate it but you must experience it for yourself.

Thanks Hitch, I keep forgetting that bus number.

Approx $25 one way.

Go late afternoon before the lights come on.

Eat a good meal, enjoy the lights, cheap gambling and party atmosphere.

Then head back to the Strip late evening before the cRazYies start coming out.

I ALWAYS go downtown every trip. Totally different atmosphere than the Strip.

Let me know if you have any specific questions and I%26#39;ll do my best to answer.



Wot crazies would that be then !?!?!

Was in LV eight years ago and ventured as far as the Strat......but this time thought gotta at least look DT - bus seems like a plan mind.......but maybe a cab back if in a rush escaping the nutters !?!

I am assuming that things are fairly centralised and if you stay there things will be ok.

As far as the crazies go thought that Gill Grisham et al had locked em all up !?!?

Any must see%26#39;s or tips appreciated

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