i think I,ve decided to book package with flights and cortez hotel for just 5?nights and try to find a hotel when there in vegas for the last 11 nights any tips on getting a good centre strip deal when there thanks
hotel in vegas
What dates do you need the hotel?
hotel in vegas
That is a very BaD IdEa!
Do not wait until you are in Vegas to get a hotel, you%26#39;ll end up paying more thanif you book ahead of time. Book now, do it directly with a hotel, not a third party vendor/travel site. If you book directly with the hotel, keep checking the hotel website and if prices go down, all you need to do is contact the hotel and ask for a price adjustment to get the new, lower rate. Also check www.smartervegas.com and/or www.fatwallet.com. Promos/specials for the hotels are listed on those sites. If you find one, then contact the hotel and ask for a price adjustment unless you booked using a promo to begin with.
In your previous thread you sought advice on where to stay in Vegas, with your initial consideration being for EC based (seemingly based on price alone).
Many good suggestions for better alternatives were made in that thread from some very knowledgable folk, which you now seem inclined to disregard in favour of going initially for EC then hoping to get a good deal on the strip whilst in Vegas for the remainder of your trip.
That%26#39;s your prerogative and good luck to you, but I would advise you to revisit your previous thread and reconsider some of those suggestions - most if not all of which would be preferable to what you now have in mind IMO.
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